Top 3 Ways Microbial Biomass in Soil Helps Your Crops and Business

In cannabis cultivation, not all biomass is bad. In fact, good, clean biomass (i.e., beneficial biology) can have far-reaching positive effects on your crops and your business. You can use the microbial biomass measurement to learn the total amount of beneficial biology that is in the soil or substrate you use for your plants.

Microbial biomass is critical to cannabis cultivators because it quantifies how much beneficial biology is in your soil as an overall metric. Since beneficial biology can enhance your crops significantly, this is a metric cultivators must know and understand.

Measuring Microbial Biomass

You want to be certain that your substrate includes clean wide spectrum biology. To put this into perspective, take a look at the chart below and see how the microbial biomass of typical farm soil compares to the microbial biomass of bio365’s growing media.

biomass in soil chart

As the chart shows, typical farm soil has a microbial biomass of 100 ug C/g compared to 2,200 ug C/g in bio365 growing media, which contains hundreds of thousands of beneficial biology strains. That’s a huge difference! Following are three of the top ways your crops and business will benefit from using a substrate that offers wide-spectrum beneficial biology.

1. Increased Fertilizer Savings

When your plants have access to wide-spectrum biology, like you get from bio365 growing media), then your plants can signal when they need food. They’ll store nutrients and make those nutrients available to your plants on demand – only when needed. This means no guess-work for your growers and leads directly to savings on fertilizer costs.

2. Improved Water Efficiency

Just like plants that have access to wide-spectrum biology in bio365’s growing media can store and access nutrients on demand, they can also store and access water as needed. As a result, you’ll increase water efficiency and could save money on watering if you’ve been overwatering in the past.

3. Healthier Plants

Since a higher microbial biomass means plants can access more of the beneficial biology they need to thrive, you’ll end up with healthier and more vital plants overall. Ultimately, you’ll have better yields and higher quality crops that you can sell for higher prices.

Key Takeaways about Microbial Biomass for Cannabis Cultivators

A high microbial biomass is a critical metric for cannabis cultivators who want to increase yields, quality, and profits. Avoid using compost or anything made outdoors in piles, which can introduce harmful organisms to your crops, and don’t use inoculants or biological amendments to add biology to your plants from a bottle. These products typically only include one to six beneficial biology strains – far less than your plants need.

The key to growing the best cannabis crops and growing your cultivation business in the cannabis industry is to start with the right inputs. Growing media that delivers hundreds of thousands of beneficial biology strains is a necessity.

Check your substrate’s microbial biomass. Is it over 2,000 ug C/g? If not, it’s time to switch and get the benefits that clean wide-spectrum biology provides. Contact bio365 for a free trial and see the difference for yourself.